Friday, October 29, 2010

A Little Buggy!

Ok, nothing about scrapbooking, nothing philosophical, nothing life changing, just a sweet little visitor this morning.  I wanted to share him  (her?) with you.  I was watching Buddy run in the back yard this morning.  Steve brought all the plants in because of frost last night, and he wanted his peppers to grow a bit more. 

       Well, he had a hitchhiker on his plant.....

Pepper Picker
I love this second picture.  After I snapped the first, his head jerked toward the flash!   It was as if he is saying, "I got my eyes on you!"  And as I moved around the plant, he would pose for me, but never turned his eyes away. 
I know some people think bugs are
creepy, but I thought he was magnificent.  But, I did put the plant out as soon as it warmed up a bit, cause he is not cute enough to live with me all winter!

Hope you scrap this weekend or at least keep dreamin'!

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